• Il colpo di stato in Myanmar,  Incontri e iniziative,  Meetings

    Istituto Cervi: 
incontro online tra parlamentari italiani e birmani sulla situazione in Myanmar

    Ha condotto l’incontro Albertina Soliani, Presidente dell’Istituto Alcide Cervi. Tra i presenti il Sen. Pierferdinando Casini, l’On. Piero Fassino e l’On. Laura Boldrini. Ribadita la necessità di un sostegno politico della comunità internazionale in favore del CRPH, il Parlamento eletto nelle ultime elezioni, contro la dittatura militare.

  • Meetings


    Dearest friends, It’s Easter time. It’s Easter of resurrection in Myanmar. In few days, on 1 April, for the Buddhist New Year’s Eve, which is celebrated with water, the new government will come into power. It will be composed of 18 members, half of the previous one. Aung San Suu Kyi will take on the role of Minister in the Cabinet of President U Htin Kyaw, her right-hand man. She will be governing by the side of the President, in order to lead Myanmar. A wide-ranging political leadership. She will fulfil the role of Minister of Foreign Affairs, of Education, of Energy as well. Three strategic ministries aimed at changing…

  • Initiatives,  Meetings

    Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016: first meeting of the series “Cultural aspects of Burma”

    Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016 at Corale Verdi (Vicolo Asdente 9, Parma), the first meeting of the series “Cultural aspects of Burma” will take place. The speaker will be Virginia King, a Burmese lady who has been living in Italy for many years. Entering into a relationship with the Burmese culture, with such a special person is a unique opportunity. Please pass this invitation to other interested people. See you there!

  • Meetings,  News,  News,  Uncategorized

    Gold Medal of Parma’s Sant’Ilario award to Giuseppe Malpeli

    The Gold Medal of Sant’Ilario Award 2016 is given in memory of Giuseppe Malpeli. He dedicated his life to the education and care of the relationships with other people: from school children to university students, from teachers to educators, from political dissidents persecuted in Burma to workers in difficulty. His love for Burma led him to meet Aung San Suu Kyi, and to build a friendship that was instrumental to bring the Nobel Prize for Peace to Parma. Giuseppe has always considered relationships as key in all areas where he worked and it is with this spirit that we are continuing the work he started. We live in an interconnected…