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    The situation in Rakhine state

    Several media have recently brought to the attention of the public opinion the condition of Muslims in the Rakhine state in the west of Myanmar. In this regard, I have gathered some considerations that stem from the ten-year attention of the Association for Italy-Burma Friendship for the situation in Myanmar and from our contacts and conversations with many Burmese Citizens. I believe, in fact, that it is important to be able to place the conflict situation in the Rakhine state in a broader context, both from the historical point of view and from the point of view of the social dynamics of the rest of Myanmar. I would like to…

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    Gold Medal of Parma’s Sant’Ilario award to Giuseppe Malpeli

    The Gold Medal of Sant’Ilario Award 2016 is given in memory of Giuseppe Malpeli. He dedicated his life to the education and care of the relationships with other people: from school children to university students, from teachers to educators, from political dissidents persecuted in Burma to workers in difficulty. His love for Burma led him to meet Aung San Suu Kyi, and to build a friendship that was instrumental to bring the Nobel Prize for Peace to Parma. Giuseppe has always considered relationships as key in all areas where he worked and it is with this spirit that we are continuing the work he started. We live in an interconnected…