Call for strong measures. Stop Myanmar’s coup plotters and Italy make clear choices
We share the article published on February 1, 2022, the anniversary of the military coup in Myanmar, in the newspaper "Avvenire". The article is signed by Senators Albertina Soliani and Sandra Zampa, former President of the Italian Parliamentary Association “Friends of Burma”.
The prophecy of Myanmar
We share the article by Albertina Soliani published in the magazine “In Cordata”, of the Congregation of the Sisters of Reparation of Milan. Italian Version The people of Myanmar are facing a double crisis: the coronavirus and the military coup. The Burmese Army – the Tatmadaw – is the enemy of the people.The people have been holding out against the ruthless military dictatorship with their bare hands for a year now. People are suffering in a terrible way. People will win, but the price is very high. The international community is the only one that could shorten the time of this suffering, yet it is still unable to do so.…
Istituto Cervi: incontro online tra parlamentari italiani e birmani sulla situazione in Myanmar
Ha condotto l’incontro Albertina Soliani, Presidente dell’Istituto Alcide Cervi. Tra i presenti il Sen. Pierferdinando Casini, l’On. Piero Fassino e l’On. Laura Boldrini. Ribadita la necessità di un sostegno politico della comunità internazionale in favore del CRPH, il Parlamento eletto nelle ultime elezioni, contro la dittatura militare.
Albertina Soliani to the Burmese Ambassador in Italy: «I request to meet Aung San Suu Kyi”
«I am sending my formal request to be allowed to enter Myanmar to meet Aung San Suu Kyi in the next period. I am also asking you to give me direct information on the health conditions of the State Counselor, even talking to you over the phone. The Italian Government, to which I am going to send a copy of this request, is constantly informed of my intentions».
CRPH: “An important and constructive meeting with Sen. Albertina Soliani”
On Thursday 11 March the CRPH (Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw) had a meeting with Sen. Albertina Soliani, member of the Italy-Burma Friendship Association, to talk about the current situation in Myanmar and the next actions.
New article by Albertina Soliani for “Avvenire”: a new time after the elections in Myanmar
Below the translation of the article written by Albertina Soliani and published in the italian newspaper Avvenire on 5 December 2020.
Aung San Suu Kyi’s full speech: towards the elections
The General Elections will soon be taking place. The time has come for us to ask for the support, the supporting votes, of our people. In reality, the support of the people is at all times an essential for the success of any enterprise of worth for a nation. It is for this reason that the National League for Democracy (NLD), fully aware that we were one with the people and that the people were key, placed our trust in our people, and started out 32 years ago on the long and difficult journey towards a democratic federal Union. The prominent milestones along this long journey are the General Elections…