To the friends of Myanmar
Parma, 9th November 2020
Dearest Friends,
while we were waiting, the great news came: Aung San Suu Kyi won, NLD won, democracy won. A huge victory. The Burmese people have decided their story once again. With courage, without fear in the face of obstacles.
Aung San Suu Kyi is so great, her people are so great.
We knew it, we are happy with you. The next few years are ahead of you, the way is paved and open: peace, freedom, health, education, work, universal human rights, opportunities for all. The Republic of the Federal Democratic Union is in your hands. A great job awaits you, we will be with you, as always. A commitment of all the people, women and men, the elderly and young people, of every ethnicity, language, religion, in every corner of the country. All together.
I am sure that the international community will meet the new Myanmar in a spirit of dialogue and collaboration. Aung San Suu Kyi guides you, you will also defeat Covid, with intelligence and awareness.
Aung San Suu Kyi – our dearest Aung San Suu Kyi – turns on the beacon again in this world swept by great challenges, fears and hopes. She, who has always faced great challenges with courage, for you and with you, and also for us. She turns on the light in the same days together with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, from the USA. We feel that a new wind is sweeping the world, also thanks to you.
Thank you, dear friends, for the example, the hope, the courage you impart to us.
We hope to meet soon, in Myanmar and Italy. I renew the appointment at the Shwedagon Pagoda as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, let’s celebrate with you. The friends who left us are still with us: Giuseppe is with us, U Ko Ni is with us.
You are our dearest friends, our greatest friends.
Gesù de mare’.
We embrace you all.
Italian Version