CRPH: “Un incontro costruttivo con la Sen. Albertina Soliani”
CRPH International Relations Representative had an important meeting with Italian Senator Albertina Soliani this morning. Senator Soliani has been to Burma several times as a close friend of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and strong supporter of the democratic movement.
The meeting was very fruitful and constructive. After exchanging views on the current situation in Burma, Senator Soliani and U Htin Lin Aung discussed unilateral and multilateral actions and strategic initiatives that Italy can take to support CRPH and its legitimate government.
Senator Soliani will also help establish friendly relations between two foreign ministries and parliaments, including meetings with the Vatican and European Parliament.
Italy, as a member of NATO and G7, will also take initiatives to restore democratic governance in Burma.
ဒီကနေ့ မနက် အီတလီက ဆီနိတ်တာ Albertina Soliani နဲ့ဆွေးနွေးဖြစ်ပါတယ်။ သူက မြန်မာပြည်ကို ၂၀၁၉ တုန်းကလာရောက်ခဲ့ဖူးပြီး နိုင်ငံတော်အတိုင်ပင်ခံဒေါ်အော
L’incontro è stato molto fruttuoso e costruttivo. Dopo aver scambiato opinioni sulla situazione attuale in Birmania, la Senatrice Soliani e U Htin Lin Aung hanno discusso le azioni unilaterali e multilaterali e le iniziative strategiche che l’Italia può intraprendere per sostenere CRPH e il suo governo legittimo.
La senatrice Soliani aiuterà anche a stabilire relazioni amichevoli tra due ministeri e parlamenti degli esteri, compresi gli incontri con il Vaticano e il Parlamento europeo.
L’Italia, come membro della NATO e del G7, prenderà anche iniziative per ripristinare il governo democratico in Birmania.